Spring Cleanup Details for residential customer who reside in the city limits of Milton, Sumner, Orting,Buckley,Carbonado, South Prairie, Bonney Lake, Fife, Edgewood, and Puyallup, .

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Waste Connections - Murrey's Disposal

Murrey's Disposal | Vashon Disposal | DM Recycling


Glass doesn't belong in the curbside cart because it breaks and contaminates other recyclables. These little pieces of glass are difficult to recover during the sorting process. Broken glass is hard on the equipment at the sorting facilities and at the pulp mills when it ends up in the bales of paper.

Glass is not included in the curbside carts because it not only contaminates the other material, but it is potential end-uses are dramatically reduced from an environmental and economic standpoint. Picking it up in a separate bin isn't efficient or financially sustainable. Rates would have to increase to cover the cost of added equipment and trucks. There would also be an increased risk of injury to the service providers, since the bins have to be picked up and dumped manually. In addition, collecting glass in a separate bin would require additional trucks on the road, increasing fossil fuel emmissions and increasing our overal carbon footprint.

Even without curbside collection, glass makes up less than 6 percent of the total trash going to the landfill in Pierce County. Meanwhile, recyclable paper, plastic and metal make up almost 20 percent of the total trash - a much bigger problem and a higher priority for us to focus our efforts and resources on.

Bottles and Jars

Glass breaks in the cart and contaminates the other recyclables. The glass collected at our free drop-off sites go directly to a local glass recycler.

Find drop-off locations for glass

Glassware and Dishes

This material cannot be recycled with bottles and jars at our drop-off locations. Throw broken dishes and glasses in the trash. Items in good condition can be donated.

Find donation locations for glassware and dishes in good condition in our recycling menu.

Find donation locations for glassware and dishes