Spring Cleanup Details for residential customer who reside in the city limits of Milton, Sumner, Orting,Buckley,Carbonado, South Prairie, Bonney Lake, Fife, Edgewood, and Puyallup, .

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Waste Connections - Murrey's Disposal

Murrey's Disposal | Vashon Disposal | DM Recycling

The Carbon Fee is in place to help us recover ongoing and increasingly complex costs associated with the purchase and/or use of fuel and petrochemical related products. You should be aware that the Carbon Fee charged on your invoice is not directly associated with the cost of servicing your specific account; rather, it is based on the overall costs of fuel and petrochemical related products incurred on a regional or companywide basis and designed for us as a company to achieve an acceptable operating margin.  The Carbon Fee may include the recovery of taxes, fees or other governmental charges associated with the purchase and/or use of fuel and petrochemical related products.